yes i was so dull for the last days, don't know what to write, but i think it is but natural for a human to feel it. at least i am normal :).
my husband run last local election in the smallest unit of our government, doing all efforts on what to do to win, there he is a winner. congratulation to my husband at last his dream to be one of the elected official come true. but it is no joke, doing what he was not able to do last election, at least now, he learned what it is.
we are on our scheduled vacation to my birthplace, and i hope i could take pictures to show followers of this blog.
thanks to our kids they are the one thinking on something to make us happy.
i hope every child do this to their parents. but it also depends and that is a big topic to discuss in here.
November 24, 2010
October 5, 2010
the RH bill
reproductive health bill.....
go to the world and multiply? this is what the bible says...but as a human being who are also known to be the talented of all creation of God. we also have to think of it's consequences in the future.
i myself passed this problem, because i thought during that time, that if my husband and i just keep on having children, i asked my husband if he could afford to give the things needed by our children in case they grow up, not to mention it in details. we all know how hard it is to live and have many needs we could not afford to give our future children.
they said, a cry of a child is like a knife that slices a mother's heart. it is the mother that is so hurt not to give her children the things needed by them in order to live decently in this world. in fairness also to the father's i think they felt the same, only the mother's are more demonstrative of what they felt with regards to their children.
now we are one of the thickly populated place in the world, we should all help to elevate our ways of living if not decent enough, but at least we have enough subsistence for our daily life.
each one should asked themselves if the child they bear, could live in the future without the help of others, or simply responsible enough to themselves, and not wait for others to help them in their basic needs.
i hope this can help a little ......
go to the world and multiply? this is what the bible says...but as a human being who are also known to be the talented of all creation of God. we also have to think of it's consequences in the future.
i myself passed this problem, because i thought during that time, that if my husband and i just keep on having children, i asked my husband if he could afford to give the things needed by our children in case they grow up, not to mention it in details. we all know how hard it is to live and have many needs we could not afford to give our future children.
they said, a cry of a child is like a knife that slices a mother's heart. it is the mother that is so hurt not to give her children the things needed by them in order to live decently in this world. in fairness also to the father's i think they felt the same, only the mother's are more demonstrative of what they felt with regards to their children.
now we are one of the thickly populated place in the world, we should all help to elevate our ways of living if not decent enough, but at least we have enough subsistence for our daily life.
each one should asked themselves if the child they bear, could live in the future without the help of others, or simply responsible enough to themselves, and not wait for others to help them in their basic needs.
i hope this can help a little ......
September 1, 2010
What hHppened on August 23,2010 in the Philippines,( Quirino Grand Stand)
i always tuned in our local "bombo" station, when suddenly a news fed from manila station entered for a flash news, that was at around 10:30 in the morning. i kept on listening till 12 0'clock came where we switch to a tv channel, there the scene at Quirino Grand Stand is on our tv screen.
i myself was so confident that , it can be solve by our authorities, since the situation is so calm in the morning, then i have forgotten it when we closed the tv, have our rest in the afternoon. at around 5 pm i was surprise that the news is still full of that event, till i opened again our television and still the hostage taking is going on, i am beginning to fell uncomfortable and prayed that nothing will happened in this length of time, we did not switch off our television even no one is watching as long as we are in a distance that we could hear what was going on.
suddenly, the resistance of the brother of the hostage taker was shown and live, i really prayed hard for the success of the police to topple the hostage taker but to no avail there the bloody scene occurred. i really can't believe that it happened and covered live.
we the ordinary citizens of the Philippines has nothing to do during that time but pray so hard that there will be no bloody thing that will happened on that fateful day.but it happened........if only we could do something even we are so far from the scene we will do, i as a Filipino do hate people who's wishes was for other people's misfortune in life.
why can't we just care for each other,(people of the world)and enjoy how beautiful this earth is for all of us to live. if only there is no war or conflicts from each individual as a beginning and to all people living here on earth. then i can say "MAYBE OUR EARTH IS MORE BEAUTIFUL THAT NO ONE COULD EVER IMAGINE".
the tourist who were visiting the Philippines, to see how beautiful this country, was not able to finish their tour and was killed seeking for beautiful places on earth.
i myself have just finish our three days vacation from Bohol, and i was happy seeing that, there are more foreigners in there than Filipinos, in loboc river where we eat our lunch then after eating the cruise started, with singing of a live band. There was a point where Filipinos dance our folk dances, the foriegners even dance and was very happy dancing "tinikling". I can't describe how happy they were.
how i wish that what happened to August 23,2010 will never happened again in this beautiful country of ours, that we should be proud of.
i myself was so confident that , it can be solve by our authorities, since the situation is so calm in the morning, then i have forgotten it when we closed the tv, have our rest in the afternoon. at around 5 pm i was surprise that the news is still full of that event, till i opened again our television and still the hostage taking is going on, i am beginning to fell uncomfortable and prayed that nothing will happened in this length of time, we did not switch off our television even no one is watching as long as we are in a distance that we could hear what was going on.
suddenly, the resistance of the brother of the hostage taker was shown and live, i really prayed hard for the success of the police to topple the hostage taker but to no avail there the bloody scene occurred. i really can't believe that it happened and covered live.
we the ordinary citizens of the Philippines has nothing to do during that time but pray so hard that there will be no bloody thing that will happened on that fateful day.but it happened........if only we could do something even we are so far from the scene we will do, i as a Filipino do hate people who's wishes was for other people's misfortune in life.
why can't we just care for each other,(people of the world)and enjoy how beautiful this earth is for all of us to live. if only there is no war or conflicts from each individual as a beginning and to all people living here on earth. then i can say "MAYBE OUR EARTH IS MORE BEAUTIFUL THAT NO ONE COULD EVER IMAGINE".
the tourist who were visiting the Philippines, to see how beautiful this country, was not able to finish their tour and was killed seeking for beautiful places on earth.
i myself have just finish our three days vacation from Bohol, and i was happy seeing that, there are more foreigners in there than Filipinos, in loboc river where we eat our lunch then after eating the cruise started, with singing of a live band. There was a point where Filipinos dance our folk dances, the foriegners even dance and was very happy dancing "tinikling". I can't describe how happy they were.
how i wish that what happened to August 23,2010 will never happened again in this beautiful country of ours, that we should be proud of.
August 30, 2010

last July 10 2010 a family friend Grace, who is also the younger sister of our daughter -in-law Arlyn was married to Rico, my husband and i were one of the sponsors.
earlier, when grace informed us of their intention, i have told her or she knows before hand that my husband just came out of the hospital due to lung illness. i am so sorry for not finishing the program after the rites due to my husbands willingness to go home and rest. i hope they could understand us for going home earlier than the other. i was enjoying the on going program, but since my partner already want to rest, then we go home. i seek permission of Rico to go. i am really sorry for doing so.
oh, i enjoyed the program and even cry when her mother gave a brief history of their love story.
to Rico and Grace, whishing you all the best you want in life. take and God Bless.
August 26, 2010
my grand children and step-grand children

our children married late that is why our grand children are still age 2 years and 5 months (not in the picture) , 1 year and 5 months, 1 year and 3 months. the two older one on our sides are our step grand children.
my 60th birthday

as what i have said "IN MY Life's" blog my real birth date is on the 20th of august 1950 but because my parents registered me one month after i was born, they place 21st instead of 20th to avoid paying surcharge for registering late.
since it falls on Friday and my children and husband are at work, we celebrated it on is just a simple dinner that only the sister of my husband was the one present and my children who are here since my other son is in the united states with his family. we enjoyed the evening especially my two grand children always competing with each other.
August 23, 2010
Hachico the movie and my dogs

watching the movie "HACHICO" a dog tale, made me cry even after watching the movie and even relating the story to my friends. i could not imagine that there really is a dog who's loyalty can't be compared. true, dogs are man's best friend as we usually heard from almost everyone, but this story of HACHICO is a very remarkable one.
i also have dogs, and many died already, i could not even remember them all coz every time they go (died) i look for another as a replacement. but this last that i have started when my daughter bought me a puppy, a male one, a mixed poodle they said. two years after he has a puppy as our share from the female partner. the female puppy grow and have also puppies that i sold to friends, but lately because of the price of the puppies so with the immunizations, some are just good on looking at the puppy being nice without knowing that they have to maintain it to become healthy and good looking puppy.
i have two in my possession, the original puppy and one of her puppy are with me. i love them so much, they such a friendly dogs and is so nice not only to me but to the whole family but.
August 18, 2010
my age 60
when i write my blogs i don't review it many times, because every time i do it my stories will also change same times as i review it. ha ha ha ha. actually what i review are only the wrong spelling that is done by the computer.
or does it says every time i review it , it is also the number of times that my mind changes.
so i wrote what i think then published because if i don't then the topic will fly out of my mind.
is this how my age think? i will turn 60 this coming August 21, 2010.
what i think of my age:
at age - what i thought
20 - age 30 is old
30 - age 40 is older
40 - age 50 is very old
50 - age 60 is too old
60 -
i don't know what to say but i feel i am still young ha ha ha i think only our physical appearance tho aged but our mind only matured.
or does it says every time i review it , it is also the number of times that my mind changes.
so i wrote what i think then published because if i don't then the topic will fly out of my mind.
is this how my age think? i will turn 60 this coming August 21, 2010.
what i think of my age:
at age - what i thought
20 - age 30 is old
30 - age 40 is older
40 - age 50 is very old
50 - age 60 is too old
60 -
i don't know what to say but i feel i am still young ha ha ha i think only our physical appearance tho aged but our mind only matured.
topics i like
i really like to write topics with regards to our real experience when young.
i have analysed that children should not be teased or threatened that something will happened if ever they have done something unusual like the swallowing of a chewing a child it would be stressful to think that something will happened to you if you swallowed it. nothing happened to me since it happened only once, tho it also helped the child not to do it again because of fear. it should have been told in a gentle manner for the child not to panic for the consequence, for me tho there is no effect after but the fear is there that shouldn't have been if only it was delivered with extra careful.
children should be handled gently as they only rely to their parents and other person closer to them. whatever these person telling them they believe it is true since it is the first knowledge that they heard.
i have analysed that children should not be teased or threatened that something will happened if ever they have done something unusual like the swallowing of a chewing a child it would be stressful to think that something will happened to you if you swallowed it. nothing happened to me since it happened only once, tho it also helped the child not to do it again because of fear. it should have been told in a gentle manner for the child not to panic for the consequence, for me tho there is no effect after but the fear is there that shouldn't have been if only it was delivered with extra careful.
children should be handled gently as they only rely to their parents and other person closer to them. whatever these person telling them they believe it is true since it is the first knowledge that they heard.
continuation on children should finished school
i would like to impart to all couples that, before going into making a family, one should bear in mind that they have to be responsible to children they are going to bring to this beautiful world of us. they should help one another to find solution in whatever problems they may encounter while living together, especially when they start having children.
having children is no joke, when you brought one to this world, you (the couple) is answerable to all the expenses of this child till he will reach the age of supporting themselves. i think no need for me to itemized all the needs, that is why it is always a must for the couple to enter marriage at legal age, for them to understand the real responsibility they are going to face. it is a lifetime commitment that no one could go back once you are having children. parents are the only person who could give children their needs till age of reason.
i can say that couples raising children should look back at their childhood, what they have experienced when they were young or still same age of their children. they should remember that children cannot turn to other person other than their parents, if they got someone other than their parents then i can say they are very fortunate to have those person.
when i was young my older cousins or brother and sisters used to teased me. as a child it is natural that i am scared. like for example, i accidentally swallow a bubble gum they told me that it will stick to my stomach. i keep on trying to pull it back from my mouth but to no avail it didn't. so they should haven't told me that kind of joke because they just don't know how stressful it is for me as a child, believing what they said is true.
having children is no joke, when you brought one to this world, you (the couple) is answerable to all the expenses of this child till he will reach the age of supporting themselves. i think no need for me to itemized all the needs, that is why it is always a must for the couple to enter marriage at legal age, for them to understand the real responsibility they are going to face. it is a lifetime commitment that no one could go back once you are having children. parents are the only person who could give children their needs till age of reason.
i can say that couples raising children should look back at their childhood, what they have experienced when they were young or still same age of their children. they should remember that children cannot turn to other person other than their parents, if they got someone other than their parents then i can say they are very fortunate to have those person.
when i was young my older cousins or brother and sisters used to teased me. as a child it is natural that i am scared. like for example, i accidentally swallow a bubble gum they told me that it will stick to my stomach. i keep on trying to pull it back from my mouth but to no avail it didn't. so they should haven't told me that kind of joke because they just don't know how stressful it is for me as a child, believing what they said is true.
August 10, 2010
children should finished school
how i felt so successful when finally my four children have graduated and found their own work to support them even in their small needs.
me and my husband have worked mostly on a single proprietorship business, surely when we retired we have not received any single centavo for our old age. But still we can say to ourselves (me and my husband) although we have not prepared for our old age, at least we have spent our money in our four children's schooling till they have finished their course. But we aren't bothered by this situation, at least the children can stand by their own feet, we the parents will surely not be here to help them always. this is the best thing that i thought i come to think when they were still young. and also thankful that the four of them have really finished college religiously.
if we didn't received an amount in our retirement at least our children have works to support each of them, and even helping us if they think we needed additional amount for our medicines.
me and my husband have worked mostly on a single proprietorship business, surely when we retired we have not received any single centavo for our old age. But still we can say to ourselves (me and my husband) although we have not prepared for our old age, at least we have spent our money in our four children's schooling till they have finished their course. But we aren't bothered by this situation, at least the children can stand by their own feet, we the parents will surely not be here to help them always. this is the best thing that i thought i come to think when they were still young. and also thankful that the four of them have really finished college religiously.
if we didn't received an amount in our retirement at least our children have works to support each of them, and even helping us if they think we needed additional amount for our medicines.
my writings
i am not so good on writing and don't know how to make the reader happy based on what i wrote, but still i have to try and try till i will learned, since i really want to write. if anyone would like to comment on this you are all i can correct myself, but then this is just a sort of "something that goes on the mind of someone who is retired from work ever-since graduating from college till the children have graduated also,and have their own work".
willie revillame
you know i like to watch "wowowie" hosted by willie revillame, in fact with all the negative write ups about him was erased, saying i slowly like him on hosting the show,it makes us happy, sometimes sad (mixed emotions) and if only what he is doing in the show is really true to his heart, the way i know him as a fan maybe, i can say that he is becoming good. but then my beliefs was all thrown out when i watch the may 4,2010 episode, that i could hardly believe what i heard. the words comes live from his own mouth. I THINK THE BIGGEST MISTAKE THAT WILLIE DID WAS TO THREATEN THE ABS-CBN that he is going to resign if his wish won't be granted. the show is really good but then if the one hosting it has this kind of attitude then........and that's what happened to him.....
August 9, 2010
scrabble addict
i have not discussed here as to my most wanted game, it is the word game but most of all The Scrabble which is i think the original of all word game, you may correct me if i am wrong coz i was not able to research what was the original one really.
i am not so good coz my score are still so low compared to others :. hope someday i'll be one of the top.
i also play farmville but later i got bored of always reaching a goal which i think is unreachable one, coz they will paste you to it.
i am not so good coz my score are still so low compared to others :. hope someday i'll be one of the top.
i also play farmville but later i got bored of always reaching a goal which i think is unreachable one, coz they will paste you to it.
August 6, 2010
finding work at home thru internet
im kind of like to work today, but i keep on searching what work i can apply in the internet to make money at the comfort of my home as what it always says but i am not satisfied of what they are offering. Ive made sort of inquiries even long before, but still i was not convince that someone can really work and earn at home despite all the testimonial they published.
sincerely i want to have a work at home, i can type faster than an average typist, oh how i love to do typing jobs, in fact when i am still young my only abition in life is to have a simple table in front of me then type and type. what a heck of my silly young mind.
sincerely i want to have a work at home, i can type faster than an average typist, oh how i love to do typing jobs, in fact when i am still young my only abition in life is to have a simple table in front of me then type and type. what a heck of my silly young mind.
research on psoriatic arthritis
today i spent a lot of time researching as to what kind of herbal medicine, i could benefit to fully recover from psoriatic arthritis. but it seems , i have to always take a medicine for me to live normally each day.
i read on mangosteen fruit, that many testimonials have been published, about it's healing power, especially to the skin problem. I'ts already a week that ive drinking this tea. i hope it can help me, since the drug that my physician giving me is sometime out of the market, now i have to try on this mangosteen tea if it really heals different kinds of skin diseases especially psoriasis.
i read on mangosteen fruit, that many testimonials have been published, about it's healing power, especially to the skin problem. I'ts already a week that ive drinking this tea. i hope it can help me, since the drug that my physician giving me is sometime out of the market, now i have to try on this mangosteen tea if it really heals different kinds of skin diseases especially psoriasis.
absence for quite sometime
i was not able to do my blog for quite sometime. It's because my husband was sick, hospitalized, and still in the process of recovering from his illness.
I was some kind of not able to do my daily chores due to restlessness as to what good thing to do so he would be able to recover easily. But life is a long process that we have to take slowly as the process of healing takes sometime to recover.
it's his 3rd month of taking medicine that, as ive observe he is recovering. I thank the Almighty for that.
I was some kind of not able to do my daily chores due to restlessness as to what good thing to do so he would be able to recover easily. But life is a long process that we have to take slowly as the process of healing takes sometime to recover.
it's his 3rd month of taking medicine that, as ive observe he is recovering. I thank the Almighty for that.
July 16, 2010
coming back
oh it's been so long since i post my new blog, but pls do understand, life at my age is unpredictable, sometimes i'm in the mood of writing, that is if without feeling uncomfortable due to my age. so many sickness that was not imagined when i was young. we have to go on our daily life as it was. hope i can go back and post whatever is useful for the reader to read.
April 24, 2010
Simple Me
i am a simple person, who don’t want to harm anyone but think and wish others of all the good things the world can offer in our lifetime. But then, no matter what we do, still, there are people who gave another meaning on our good intentions. they have different interpretation on what we do, that no matter how we avoid on keeping others of being hurt by what we do, still it is beyond our power to let them realized of our good aims.
April 13, 2010
still on the political side, with regards to fake result of one candidates health, if ever it is true, what i can only say is "sickness of a person can be treated and healed but character, attitude and inborn principles is hard to erase/change and eliminate" tho how hard one would like to change it, but then time and time will come that true or inner quality of a person will prevail as who he really is. please, voters remember this.
Political Exposure
this is a sort of a comment related to one of the popular tv show that i used/still enjoy to watch after lunch relaxing from household works. to tell the truth way back before, i don't like the host but because of the show i have learned to like him little by little as long as, the way he hosted the show is truly what he really wanted to do. in fact watching it tho, not as often as i would like it to be, i have forgotten what he is before.
now after listening to one morning show stating that he is disappointed because the channel he is working with doesn't exposed the candidate he is endorsing is discouraging to know.
in the show he could not avoid mentioning the candidate by naming something that lead to the candidates political identity, tho not so obvious to people who loved him. an indirect way of mentioning the candidate, but so clear to others who can understand it. (like me? :)?)
let's leave the political season to it's faith, continue our aim to help, make people happy, without touching the right of each to suffrage. because whoever may win as long as he works honestly for the Filipino people that they always used as propaganda in the campaign to win.
let's wait and see if the future president really is for the people and not for my only people.
now after listening to one morning show stating that he is disappointed because the channel he is working with doesn't exposed the candidate he is endorsing is discouraging to know.
in the show he could not avoid mentioning the candidate by naming something that lead to the candidates political identity, tho not so obvious to people who loved him. an indirect way of mentioning the candidate, but so clear to others who can understand it. (like me? :)?)
let's leave the political season to it's faith, continue our aim to help, make people happy, without touching the right of each to suffrage. because whoever may win as long as he works honestly for the Filipino people that they always used as propaganda in the campaign to win.
let's wait and see if the future president really is for the people and not for my only people.
March 31, 2010
holy week trail
we're on our way to our holy week trail in the birth town of my husband. our two daughter with their kids and husband are going with us, also our youngest, the uncle and the aunties.
March 23, 2010
who's house?
Just received an email regarding a house of a certain presidential candidate.
was not so surprised as to the lifestyle since he is so rich.
the big question is, will he be a good president in case?
nobody could answer as who will turn out to be what Filipinos expects the next president to be, when he will be in power.
was not so surprised as to the lifestyle since he is so rich.
the big question is, will he be a good president in case?
nobody could answer as who will turn out to be what Filipinos expects the next president to be, when he will be in power.
March 21, 2010
Lonely Life
oh how lonely life had been
if you have no family to care for
but is it the only way to stay in this world?
i think yes, because at my age, if i was not able to get married and have a family
of my own, i can't imagine how i can go on with my daily life, without goals to achieve
except to keep on living and have no choice.
now that my children have all grown ups and three of them have a family of their own
we start missing the days when they were still so young, innocent,
with no one to depend on but us. looking back, it seems just a minute when they were surrounding us every time we arrived home from work, enumerating their activities while we're away working to met their needs.
but life is a cycle that we have to give a stable foundation to our children
so they could also do the same to make life a bit easier.
cloth diapers
if somebody is interested to buy cloth diapers we are willing to sell it. the price still coming(for brand new materials used) my daughter is the one making this, we have also recycled materials(from me), the price is of course cheaper than the new one.(Prices can be discussed privately through email.
(note : model is our 2 nd grand child)
March 16, 2010
Heard regarding COMELEC suggestion to remove banners of Ninoy and Cory Aquino in order to be fair to other presidential candidates. Is it fair/unfair? to whom? where is the relevance? Is it same as removing the monument of Dr. Jose Rizal in Luneta Park because there so happened that one candidate have the same family name as Rizal(ex. only)? in this case(removing of banners) the amount involved is negligible, but, how about the changing of original color to other colors because it again symbolizes another, who is going to shoulder the expenses, just to erase it's relation from one presidential bet? The EDSA shrine are we going to cover it also? Ha! Ha! Ha!
Sometimes I wonder, what happened to people who suggested this. Are they fair to themselves or to the Filipino people. Have they forgotten millions of hungry Filipinos surrounding them, who once before the election was promised of an honest and transparent government? Are they Filipinos? Where are the promises of every candidates to elevate the poor? or themselves?
We become one of the most corrupt country in Asia. Official in position can't do anything because if they do, they are going to encounter people whom they, in their wildest dream can't
believe that , certain person whom they respected so much is also one of the person doing the wrong things. So when/where will they start? Can all of the wrong doings done be corrected by one person(the president) after the May 2010 election?
March 12, 2010
to the small farm
in an hour or so, we are going to a small farm of my husband. it takes approximately 2 hours from the city, but the ride is worth the view we are going to enjoy apart from sleeping if we are tired.
we'll away for just one day because, after checking the plants that we have in there, then we will go back to the city and visit also our grand children, one thing more it is also the 2nd birthday of our eldest g-daughter, tho she is so far away still we can greet her through the internet.
life is so lonely when one of our children is so far but then with the new technology that we have, at least it lessen the loneliness that we felt, since we could see and talk to them but only thru the computer.
well, what can we do our children are seeking better or say greener pasture, since we have draught here in our country at least we could say in literal, greener than we have :)
so much for this.... wishing readers of this a beautiful day, whatever days they might happen to read it. lol
God Bless!!!!
March 10, 2010
simple thoughts
when i am away from the computer, i have something to write, but when i am already in front of it, there my thoughts are gone. funny isn't it.
maybe it only means that writing is not as easy as one thought but it needs concentration, inspiration , peace of mind and mood of the writer.
that is my simple thought of what simple and ordinary blogger like me, who i think is very simple in every way.
Hi good day every one, that is all for today have to start what to work to end the day as fruitful as it can be.
March 4, 2010
am so puzzled because every time i look at the next blog, i come to the situation that i could no longer go back to my page, then i sign in again to go back, why? this is what i noticed. could anyone clarify it? thank you for those who will give their time explaining it.
readers of my blogs
oh! how i appreciated it so much, with just two days since i started publishing my blogs, and yet i already have eight visitors from different countries, you just didn't know how happy i am that i have captured your attention on reading what i wrote. to those who happened to view and follow what i wrote thank you so much, appreciated or not since there is no comment, by just seeing my visitors counter it gives me joy and happiness. once again thank you so much.
March 3, 2010
What Is The Secret?
my husband and I were sometimes jokingly ask by our relatives and friends regarding our secrets why our four children grow up good, finished their college degrees without problems as what others encountered with their children, and are having good job to support their families. they even contributed for our expenses if they think it is needed.
for me the answer to this is, it is not actually an answer but i will just relate our activities when our children were young. we used to go on picnicking, eating on sidewalks like "alacarts" if we have money, riding "sikad" in going home, bring our four children wherever we go. This is just what i described a simple living and happy. Now that they are married we used to visit them on weekends, if we couldn't do it, they are the one visiting us.
we did not do extra effort or don't have any itinerary to follow so it will result to something very extra ordinary they say. what we just do is freely done without any pressure from something or anything and we are so glad the outcome is good. my husband and i is so proud of our children. if the two of us retired penniless or shall we say did not received any retirement pay from where we work, at least they are self sufficient.
so raising a family has no secret at all, just be who you are and the fruits of your effort will reflect as who you are to your children. they said children are the reflection of their parents so this is it.
Can We Find a Good Leader?
Where can we find politician who would really work for our country? It seems all of them are for the people because election is still coming, but after the election and all of the post were filled, the people were forgotten and politician centered to their own interest. Though I still hope and pray that there is still someone in the group who would really turn out to be what all the Filipinos is looking for. They all promise to be a good servant, will help the poor survive. Will it happened? Did it happened before? When will that be?...
Imagination of Life After Death
Humans would like to prevent death, that is why we have doctors and many other courses in school to prevent it. Some would give all what they have in order to save one life but failed.
Ive noticed that everybody fear it including myself, and do all we can to survive, but we also believe that once we were born we have a path to follow that no matter what we do, our life will end according to what is en-store for each and everyone of us.
I think and imagine that life after death is a very happy one that no one can ever imagine (because maybe if we do, we all want to be dead). No one returned and told us what the experience is, though there were already write ups related to this, but still there is no solid evidence that it is really true.
So, how about you? if you happened to read this, may i asked you, what is your imagination of life after death?
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