i would like to impart to all couples that, before going into making a family, one should bear in mind that they have to be responsible to children they are going to bring to this beautiful world of us. they should help one another to find solution in whatever problems they may encounter while living together, especially when they start having children.
having children is no joke, when you brought one to this world, you (the couple) is answerable to all the expenses of this child till he will reach the age of supporting themselves. i think no need for me to itemized all the needs, that is why it is always a must for the couple to enter marriage at legal age, for them to understand the real responsibility they are going to face. it is a lifetime commitment that no one could go back once you are having children. parents are the only person who could give children their needs till age of reason.
i can say that couples raising children should look back at their childhood, what they have experienced when they were young or still same age of their children. they should remember that children cannot turn to other person other than their parents, if they got someone other than their parents then i can say they are very fortunate to have those person.
when i was young my older cousins or brother and sisters used to teased me. as a child it is natural that i am scared. like for example, i accidentally swallow a bubble gum they told me that it will stick to my stomach. i keep on trying to pull it back from my mouth but to no avail it didn't. so they should haven't told me that kind of joke because they just don't know how stressful it is for me as a child, believing what they said is true.